Wednesday 27 August 2014

Airtel 250 MB 3G @ Rs.1

                                         For 250MB !dea 3G @ Rs.1 Click Here

Today , INTERNET had become one of the most basic need of Human . INTERNET users in india are growing at a very faster rate . With time technology providing INTERNET had also changed a lot . Current being the 3G , INTERNET had experiece had now changed a lot . Tons times faster 3G service , had changed our life . But this too is having a major drawback ....... Its cost . When we , normal India think about it ,  its cost , we worry about it , a lot


So , what now ?

Dont get shattered . Airtel is amongst the best service provider in India , with mind blowing Speed .
So we are here , to provide you Cheap 3G INTERNET experience .


So are going to tell us a TRICK ??????

TRICK.....hmmmm .....thats a bad way of saying .
What i am going to tell you is definately not a trick . Tricks are there only to FOOL people and waste there TIME and MONEY . Guys i have no intention to trouble you . I am just reflecting it back to what i had experienced and doing since Last few                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For 250MB !dea 3G @ Rs.1 Click Here

Are you sure , that this will work ....

Friends as i told you earlier , I have no intention to trouble you . What i am going to tell you guys is not a Trap .
But , i am not going to provide and Guarantee .
The word Guarantee had now become a joke . People give Guarantee , but they failed to work .
I am giving you full assurance that , what i am going to tell you is True and will surely work .

OFFER is .......Get 250MB Airtel 3G @ Rs.1

This Offer is valid only for nights , from midnight 12am ( 00:00 hrs ) to 6am (00:00 hrs ) , However you can activate them in any part of time .

NOTE : This offer is valid only in that circles , where Airtel 3G is available

How to get it ?

Its not a kind of Rocket Science . Its damnn Easy . Just Follow me on Facebook and Drop your Airtel number in my Facebook inbox and also [pst you number on the comment box provided at the bottom of this Page .  I'll Activate it from my side . 
After you message me your Airtel mobile , you'll recieve a CODE on your mobile . Message that Code to me and then
Bingo.........your plan will be activated and Rs.1 will be deducted from your balance .

Note - Message your number only between 9pm to 11:30 pm . We'll  activate only 10 request per day . You are requested to stay online at that time .